Root Canals

Dental Health and Root Canals

Sometimes dental decay can progress to the point that it affects the nerve of the tooth. Without treatment, this tooth can become painful and may require removal. Fortunately, if caught early enough, these teeth can be saved by performing a relatively simple procedure called a root canal. Root canals have received a bad reputation from their history, but dentistry has certainly improved since those days. Root canals can be a painless experience and necessary to save your tooth and smile!

What is the purpose of a root canal?

All teeth have a nerve and blood supply that live inside of them. This bundle of tissue is called the pulp. When a tooth is cracked or has a deep cavity, bacteria from the decay or oral cavity can enter the pulp tissue and result in an infection inside the tooth. The only way to reach this infection is by performing a root canal. The purpose of a root canal is to remove the infected tissue and allow that tooth to serve for many more years. If left untreated, an abscess may form, and the tooth and surrounding area will become painful and swollen. This can not only injure the bone surrounding the tooth but is also detrimental to your overall health. Without proper treatment, your tooth may need to be removed.

What are the signs that a root canal is needed?

Teeth that require root canal therapy are not always painful. In fact, we prefer to treat these teeth early before they cause you the inconvenience of a toothache. Below are some signs that you may need a root canal:

  • severe pain

  • swelling or tenderness

  • pain upon chewing or application of pressure

  • prolonged sensitivity or pain to temperature changes

  • dark discoloration

If you think that you may have an abscess or need a root canal, please contact us as soon as possible.

What happens during a root canal?

Root canals require one to three appointments depending on the severity of the infection. During treatment, your general dentist or endodontist (a dentist who specializes in problems with the nerves of the teeth) removes the affected tissue. Next, the interior of the tooth will be cleaned and sealed. Finally, the tooth is filled with a dental composite. If your tooth had extensive decay, your doctor may suggest placing a crown to strengthen and protect the tooth from breakage. If you continue to care for your teeth and gums with regular brushing, flossing, and checkups, your restored tooth can serve you for many years.